How to redeem a promo code for Glucomate

Been given a promo code for a discount to Glucomate? Here's how to redeem it.

Posted by Zach Simone on November 29, 2023 · 1 min read

From time-to-time, Glucomate makes available discount codes that can be redeemed for special discounts or offers within the app. Perhaps it’s a few months for free, or a discount on your first year of subscription.

If you’ve been provided with one of these codes, here’s how to redeem it from within the app itself.

  1. Open Glucomate and navigate to the Settings tab
  2. Tap into “Glucomate Premium”
  3. Tap the “Redeem code” button at the bottom of the screen
  4. When the sheet pops up, enter your code. e.g. “TOPSECRET”
  5. Confirm your offer.

Screenshot of the steps involved to redeem a promo code in Glucomate

That’s it! Your offer will be applied. Happy redeeming!

If – for some reason – it isn’t applied correctly and you’ve followed the steps above, tapping the “Restore Purchases” button should fix that.

Sound interesting? You can download Glucomate for iPhone and iPad on the App Store.